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Главная » Эпизоды » 1-й сезон

4-й эпизод. Let's Give the Boy a Hand
18.06.2008, 17:57
Краткое содержание:

As the hunt for Tony Tucci continues,posed body parts start surfacing. Is there a new killer in town or, are these the calling cards of an irritated Ice Truck Killer? The mysterious Ice Truck Killer escalates his killing spree by leaving body parts of his latest victim at sites that relate to memories from Dexter's childhood which leads him to confront his dark personal history. As Halloween approaches, Rita takes drastic steps to quiet a barking dog from it's cynical owner who keeps her children up at night. Lt. Laguerta seeks a way to comfort the mother of the latest Ice Truck victim. Angel cannot find the right anniversary gift for his wife, who is currently separated from him. Also, the heat against Sgt. Doakes escalates when Guerrero's thugs begin tailing him.
Категория: 1-й сезон | Добавил: admin
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