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Главная » Эпизоды » 3-й сезон

6-й эпизод. SI SE PUEDE
29.10.2008, 01:06
Краткое содержание:

Dexter grapples with what to do with his newfound friend, Miguel, who thinks he is clued in to Dexter’s vigilante ways. So Dexter decides to test him to see how far he wants to go. Dexter reveals that he’s always wanted to bring a violent white supremacist who is already in jail, to his brand of ‘justice.’ Thinking this will force Miguel to back away, Dexter is surprised to find that Miguel is not only on board, but he has a daring strategy to complete Dexter’s dark plan. Simultaneously, Rita gets fired from her job, leaving her wondering if she will ever have a real career. Debra is upset when she realizes she may be partially responsible for another mysteriously skinned homicide case she’s trying to solve.

Категория: 3-й сезон | Добавил: admin
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